New: Redeem and Send Vivid Print Gift Cards Online
We get email here at Casa Vivid. Lots of email. Lots of questions, lots of people sharing pictures of their Vivid Print piece in it's new home (we love these, btw), lots of requests for things we don't do, the occasional baking recipe, cute pics of customer's dogs, crypto currency spam, and requests. Often it's requests for specific products. Sometimes it's a requests for charitable donations (we will be posting our eligibility for 2022 shortly). But lately it's been for feature requests on our website.
Since the end of the before times, as more and more folks shop with us online, one thing that has been missing is the ability to use gift cards for online purchases, and to be able to send an eGift Card to another recipient. We're happy to announce that as of today, our new gift card system is up and running, allowing you to purchase, redeem, and check the balance on your Vivid Print Gift Card. Head on over to for all the deets.